Monday, February 4, 2008

Just Playing Around

We had a lot of fun this last week. Etta has been trying to be "mommy's helper". On Monday she told me "I am big now and can hold baby Gibson". So I grabbed the camera to get a few shots before Gibson tried to squirm away.

She was doing great and then her grip tightened up and Gibby didn't like that.

She then said Gibby needed to hold the baby doll. But Gibby had enough and broke through her iron grip.

On Wednesday we met up with our good friends Angelica and Layla. They live in Arizona now and come visit their family often. We are happy when we can snatch them away for a couple of hours for ourselves. We went to a fun little place called the kid barn.

Etta played for half hour before Layla got there and was doing everything herself. I was so proud that she could climb up the ladders herself.
Layla had ear infections in both ears and had to go to the InstaCare just before our play date. But was a trooper all through the jumping slides and lunch. They both remembered each other, held hands and gave each other cute hugs. Etta constantly told everyone that day and Thursday that "I got to play with my friend Layla".

Layla and Etta playing in the tunnels.

Best friends holding hands and giving hugs.

Bye Layla see you real soon!

Gibby's favorite thing is just sitting and playing/eating his legos. He will play for a while and just be the happiest little boy ever.

Red legos seem to taste the best.


amy said...

The Kid Barn looks fun! We may have to meet up and go one of these days!

Camilla said...

I can't believe how big Gibby is looking!