Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Gibby's first haircut

We cut it all off! Well that is what Andy thinks.

I finally talked Andy into letting us trim Gibby's hair. We all went to Cookie Cutters for the big event. Gibson walked right up to the motorcycle chair and was already for his haircut. They put on the movie "Cars". It was funny to see him move is head back and forth, and up and down in order to keep his eyes on the movie. The lady barely took any hair off but at least made it even in the front, sides and back. I love it and think he looks so handsome.

Shaggy haired little boy

Loving his new ride

All set for his haircut on the motorcycle

Very smart idea for the movie while cutting hair

Hair cut and all done:

Not to happy he couldn't finish "Cars"

Back shot

Get away Paparazzi - He didn't want me taking any more pictures of him


Ami Stokes said...

Looks very stylin' Gibby! Just sad I couldn't be the one to give you your first haircut...It's moments like this that make me wish I didn't live so far away!:(

donnajean said...

Looks great!

SHIPP said...

gotta love cookie cutter, my kids absolutely love that place.