Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I have gone to two totally different concerts within in the last week. There is only one thing they both have in common, I love their old music they played over 10 plus years ago.

The George

On Friday I went to George Straight! I went with my 2 older sisters and Mom. What a fun time I had and will do it again in a heart beat. We hit up Millie's for some good old fashioned burgers, fries and a shake to share. We found a great spot on the lawn to watch the concert after finally getting through the long line. Before the music, We took pictures of each other, together and laughed a lot.
There were these ladies in font of us that were just dancing their little booty's right off from the first song to the last song.
Some good friends found us and joined our Blanket. We all sang, danced and had a great time listening to the King of Country Music.

Sally and Jenny at Millie's

Mom and me at Millie's

My sisters and Mom pics before the concert

Sisters, (missing Ami, come next time sis), crazy man wanted to do bunny ears in all our pics

My mom trying to see the stage and singers

Silly ladies that dance the whole night

Unaware a picture is being taken, while I was looking for my friends

Friends: Melissa, Me, Amy

George Straight, still sexy

Love the smile

He just stands there and sings to you!

The Snoop Dogg

Monday night Andy and I headed off to see Snoop Doggy Dogg! This was the complete opposite from George but I loved it just the same. Andy got me listening to old school rap and Snoop is my all time favorite. He played all the old school songs from "Doggystyle" and we just laid back and listen. Great times! We went last year, this year and hopefully he comes next year too!

Our spot a the top of the hill

Listening to Bob Marley's son

Andy enjoying Slightly Stupid

A cool night so I wrapped in the blanket to wait for Snoop Dogg

If you can see a black shirt with white writing on it that is Snoop!


Fisher Family said...

You are nicer than me, I'd be yelling "DOWN IN FRONT" :)

Ami Stokes said...

SOOOOO SAD I MISSED OUT ON BEING THERE WITH MY SISTERS & MOM!!! I totally will be at the next one...supper sad I missed out on Millie Burger too, yum, I love that place!

Camilla said...

So glad you had fun with your sisters and mom. I had fun with mine 2 years ago hen we went to Ryan Shupe and the rubberband.

Your kids are getting so big! Tucker recently got a hair cut also and boy had he needed it. we love our boys to look handsome, right?