Monday, December 31, 2007

6 months and growing?

Gibby went in for his 6 month check up. Yeah my boy is now 6 months but is he growing? Just a little. He has always had a little reflux but it started getting a little worse 4 weeks ago. With starting solid foods last week it is slowly getting better. He still hasn't been gaining very much weight. Since his 4 month check up he has only gained about 2 lbs. So the Dr. wants Gibby to come in next month to check his weight.

Weight: 13 lbs 8 oz 2%percentile
Length: 24.7 inches 2%percentile (a new nurse can make the measurements different then the normal nurse. He only grew .2 inches?)
Head: 43cm 23% percentile Still growing there, good!

He did great while getting his shots. One big cry and then a big hug with Mommy. That night he didn't sleep to good. Every time he moved he would cry. Poor little guy with sore legs. He got a lot of attention that night.

Gibson is just such a happy baby and loves attention. His favorite thing is to sit up and watch everything that is going on. But when he is on his tummy he does what I call the titer toter crawl or the worm. His arms and head go down and his feet go up and then he shoots his arms and head up and pushes his feet down. I don't think he moves very much but he sure thinks it works. The toys he is after suddenly appear closer (due to the help of his big sister). It is funny to watch them play together because they both will just start laughing.

Etta was so dang cute at the Dr.'s. She just sat there and played with her new cell phone.

Don't bother me I am on an important call. "Hi Grandma, How ya doing?"

1 comment:

Cameron Family said...

He is so cute! Him and Chase are going to have LOTS of fun together!