Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Etta loves the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. So for her birthday party I used the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme. It was so much fun. Decorating and thinking up ideas for activities. We did a little treasure hunt to find mouse-ka-tools to play with. Coloring books with crayons, bean bags and bubbles. I think all of the kids had fun. I know Etta and I did. Andy's camera died after the bubbles so we didn't get pictures of her opening presents or eating Pluto's jell-o jigglers, Mickey's cupcakes and Daisy's delicious apple juice. Note to self: charge camera's the night before birthday party's.

Starting the Treasure hunt and looking for clues

Finding the treasures

Coloring in their Mickey Mouse coloring books

Bubbles, Bubbles everywhere

Thank you to all who gave her a present and came to her party. Etta received so many wonderful presents and plays with all of them. She loves her tea sets, kitty cat purse, little dolls, and Dr. kit and just looks darling in the clothes she got. Uncle Brad came and helped and also bought her the 25Th Anniversary Care bear and she loves it too.


Jeff & Melissa said...

Fun Party.. you are so good about coming up with creative ideas.

amy said...

You come up with too many creative ideas! You want to share some with me?

Camilla said...

Looks like you are doing well and having fun!
Don't forget to sent me a little note for the newsletter, even if it is just a link to your website.

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog by doing a search for Mickey Birthday stuff. Where did you get the pluto jello jigglers? We are thinking of doing Mickey cupcakes too for my daughter's 2nd birthday. Can u let me know? Thanks.